Chapter 12 - Who exactly are you talking about?
An ordinary evening was slowly turning into an ordinary night... as dusk settled in...
Yuu: "Hey, Seki... why'd you suddenly come over to my place?"
Seki: "Well, it's just that... I wanted to see you, Yuu-senpai..."
I'd almost made it back home, just a few steps away. But then I stumbled upon a couple -- a high school boy and girl -- chatting sweetly (?) in front of my neighbor's house. Without thinking, I hid behind a nearby utility pole.
Wait... isn't that Ta~kun?
And with him... a girl in the same school uniform as him. A classmate?
He just called that girl Seki...
And since she's calling him senpai, she's probably a first-year.
Yuu: "Uh, look, today's a bit... can you go home?"
Seki: "Nooo... can't I come inside just for a bit?"
Trying to stay as quiet as possible, I peeked out from behind the pole in the direction of their voices. The girl's figure was illuminated in the light from the entranceway.
Whoa, she's tiny!
Her face is tiny too!
And her voice... so flirty!
I mean, she's totally the type to get all the boys' attention.
...And probably the type most girls can't stand (just my personal opinion).
Yuu: "Sorry, Seki... but, uh, it's almost dinner..."
Seki: "Then... um, could I wait in your room until dinner's over?"
Yuu: "What...?"
Wow, she's really persistent!
She's barely holding back tears with that weak, helpless reply, but she has no intention of leaving!
I don't know... something about her feels like a total red flag. It's not just because she's talking to Ta~kun, right?
Come on, Ta~kun, why'd you have to get tangled up with someone so clearly bad news!?
Seki: "It's just that lately, Senpai... you haven't been replying to me at all..."
Yuu: "Well, uh, it's just... I've been kinda busy lately, you know?"
Wait, seriously? She shows up at his house just because he hasn't replied to her? That's... kinda scary!
...Hold on. Who am I to talk? I sometimes scream Hey! Why'd you leave me on read?! through his window too.
Seki: "Plus, you haven't asked me on a date... like, at all lately..."
Yuu: "Uh, yeah... but that was because you were the one who asked me out that one time..."
Wait, hold up! So they went on one date that she invited him on, and now she's acting like his girlfriend!?
And she actually found out where he lives and ambushed him here? That's... super creepy!
But then again, I got all excited over just one date with him too!
This girl's behavior is hitting way too close to home, and it hurts!
I mean, yeah, right? When he doesn't reply, it leaves you feeling all anxious!
And if he's acting cold even after a date, you start wondering what you did wrong, right?!
Whether he likes you or not, it wouldn't kill him to be a little clearer with his feelings!
Gahh, that oblivious, clueless Ta~kun!!
...Why am I totally sympathizing with her all of a sudden?
Yuu: "Hey, Seki, your house isn't anywhere near here, right? Your parents are probably going to worry if you're out too late. I'll walk you to the station, ok...?"
Seki: "Seeeenpaai..."
But yeah, it's pretty obvious that Ta~kun is the one struggling here.
...And, well, I'm feeling a little caught up in this mess myself.
W-what do I do? I can't go home like this either.
Wait, maybe I could help out here by swooping in and expertly getting her to leave...
I could be all like:
Hikari: "Yo, what's up, Yuu? Who's this chick?"
Seki: "Huh...?"
Yuu: "H-Hikari?!"
Hikari: "Hey, you! What do you think you're doing, messing with my Yuu? You better scram before I make you regret it!"
...Nope, nope, bad idea!
Why am I imagining myself as some wannabe delinquent girl?
I've totally put myself in the role of the jealous, overprotective side girl now!
Seki: "Why'd you suddenly become so cold to me? This isn't the real Yuu-senpai at all!"
Yuu: "Uh... it's not like I'm being cold or anything..."
Ugh, seriously, Ta~kun, you're still as indecisive as ever!
Back in the day, he was popular enough to get at least one or two real Valentine's chocolates (I only gave him obligatory ones!).
Every now and then -- maybe once a year, or every other year -- there'd be girls who'd come up to me and ask, Hey, could you introduce me to him? (Back then, I didn't think much of it and just went ahead and introduced them!)
But whenever I set up something like that, he'd always look all shy and uncomfortable.
They'd hang out a few times, try it out, but it never lasted...
Hikari: "So, Ta~kun, what happened with that girl?"
Yuu: "Uh... well..."
And he'd give me that awkward look, trying to dodge the question.
Yeah, he's always been like this.
The one who's changed... is me.
Back then, every time he'd go through these little trial runs and breakups, I'd get all annoyed, like, Ugh, get it together already!
But now, knowing he's still doing these little trial runs...
I mean, yeah, I'm still thinking, Get it together already! But this time, it's more like, Don't string them along, just turn them down!
...It's kind of a mess, but that's where I'm at right now.
Seki: "That's why... I can't help but wonder..."
Yuu: "Wonder? About what?"
Seki: "Maybe... maybe you've found someone new that you like..."
Yuu: "Wha-?"
Seki: "Maybe that's why you've been so cold lately..."
Yuu: "I... I mean..."
Is that... true?
Has he found someone new that he likes...?
Seki: "...sniff... hick..."
Yuu: "......"
Before he can even answer, the girl's already starting to sniffle, her shoulders shaking.
Ugh, this kind of thing never helps.
Crying when you feel like someone's drifting away? Not exactly the best move.
...But then again, if I were in her shoes, would I do the same? Would I freak out, jump to conclusions, and just... crumble into a mess?
Geez, I don't know. I don't think I'd have acted like this back in middle school.
People used to say I was more, you know, cool back then -- almost like one of the guys.
Yuu: "That's... not quite right..."
Seki: "Senpai...?"
Yuu: "Yeah, I... I do have someone I like."
Seki: "......!"
Yuu: "But... it's not someone I just started liking or anything."
Seki: "...Huh?"
Yuu: "It's someone I've known since before I met you, Seki. Someone I've liked since before I met you."
And here I am, getting completely spun around by every little thing he says and does.
Sneaking around, eavesdropping on words that aren't even meant for me, and getting all flustered over it.
Yuu: "So, let's go, okay... Seki?"
Seki: "...O-okay..."
Yuu: "I'm sorry if I made you feel sad."
Seki: "...waaah... h-hic..."
Wait -- who is this person he's liked all along?
Who is this person he's known for so long?
Who... has he liked for all this time?
A few minutes passed.
I was still crouched down behind the utility pole, completely unable to move.
He left.
With her.
When they walked right past my hiding spot, I thought my heart was going to stop.
But that was the only moment it felt like it was going to stop.
Now, it's pounding so loud I can barely stand it.
I'm Shirasaka Hikari, sixteen years old......
......and the guy I like apparently has someone he like.
Someone he's liked... for a long time...
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