
Chapter 10 - Too many cooks...

Today's the start of what's definitely not just another ordinary day.

Yuu: "Yo, sorry to keep you waiting."
Hikari: "I w-wasn't waiting... or anything!"

It's the same old train station we pass through every day on our way to school.
But today's different. It's ten in the morning on a weekend, way later than our usual time.

And right here, in this spot, he and I... we actually managed to meet up for our date.

Yuu: "By the way, we live next door, so... why didn't we just leave from home together? Why'd we need to meet here?"
Hikari: "Well, that's... uh... because... If we leave together, my family might start asking questions... it'd be embarrassing..."
Yuu: "Whoa, that's a pretty low score on the affection meter!"
Hikari: "I'm serious, it'd be really embarrassing!"

Okay, I mean, it is a little embarrassing, but let's be real -- meeting up is like, the best part of a date, right?

I showed up thirty minutes early.
Heart pounding, just standing around.
Feeling everyone's eyes on me as they passed by.
Checking the clock again and again, watching the minute hand barely move.
And then, wondering if he'd even show up... feeling more nervous by the second.

But the moment he walked over, casually waving and going, Yo!, every single messy feeling I'd had just melted away, like it was all totally worth it.

Sure, I could've just sent him a quick text to avoid getting all anxious like that (though if he'd left me on read, I'd be a wreck anyway). But today... I want to savor these feelings. It's part of the fun.

Hikari: "Alright, let's go, Hikari. The amusement park should be open by now, right?"
Yuu: "Y-yeah...!"

Plus, well... my messages are kinda blowing up right now anyway...


[ Ayami: Confessed yet? ]

[ !Not yet, I just got on the train ]

...And so, my very first date is already under the watchful eye of my usual group chat of four.

[ Haru: But seriously, Hikari, why'd you pick such a tiny amusement park? ]
[ Yuki: Yeah, Hikariiin, if it's an amusement park, there are way bigger ones in Chiba! ]

[ ...Yeah, but they're gonna be super crowded ]

Honestly, I haven't even had a chance to talk to him properly yet, and my phone is already blowing up with messages from my three noisy friends. Their support is so over-the-top, I can barely focus on the date!

[ .It's just... today, it has to be that place ]

[ Ayami: Ooh, so it's a special place for you and your guy? ]

[ .Yup ]

[ Ayami: Oh, got it. Well, good luck. ]

[ .Thanks, Aya-chan ]

Aya-chan, easily the most mature one of us, at least managed to respond in a way that's slightly calmer than the other two. Because of that, I can't just ignore the flood of "helpful" advice coming my way.

[ Haru: So, Hikari, what are you going to ride first once you get to the amusement park? ]
[ Yuki: We can give you the perfect confession setup for each ride~! ]

[ .Uh, um... I'll, uh... ask Ta~kun about it ]

Hikari: "A-anyway, Ta~kun..."
Yuu: "Hm? What's up?"
Hikari: "When we get there..."

[ .He... says he wants to eat lunch first ]

[ Haru: You guys haven't even gone in yet!? ]

[ ...It seems he skipped breakfast ]

[ Yuki: Hikariiin! Doesn't he realize this is a date with his girlfriend? ]

[ !Hey, hey! I never called this a date ]
[ !I told him we're just hanging out, that's all ]

[ Ayami: So... does he actually believe that? ]
[ Haru: Hey, Hikari, maybe he's just... not that into you? ]

[ !No way! That's not true ]

Yuu: "Hey, Hikari, who've you been texting this whole time?"
Hikari: "Uh, it's... it's my mom! She's asking where I'm going and reminding me about curfew and all that."
Yuu: "Haha, same here. They never stop treating us like kids, huh?"
Hikari: "R-right, totally..."
Yuu: "Want me to just tell her myself?"
Hikari: "T-tell what?"
Yuu: "That there's nothing to worry about since we're together."
Hikari: "N-no, no! No need for that!"

[ Haru: Hikari, let me talk to him him. I'll tell your boyfriend to quit messing around! ]

[ !I said it's fine ]

Seriously, both onlineHaru and in real lifeTa~kun, they're telling me to pass the phone, but how exactly am I supposed to handle that...?
And he just said No need to worry since we're together -- like it's nothing... geez!

[ Ayami: Forget it, this is annoying. Just go to a family restaurant right now and confess! ]

[ !...Aya-chan, don't give up on me already ]

[ Ayami: But seriously, Hikari, he's super oblivious. If you don't spell it out, he'll never get it. ]

[ !It's fine ]
[ !I have a great plan to turn things around ]

[ Ayami: What kind of plan? ]

Hikari: "Uh, hey, Ta~kun..."
Yuu: "Yes?"
Hikari: "You, um... you said you were hungry, right?"
Yuu: "Yeah, sorry! Can we grab something at that place by the station before we go have fun?"
Hikari: "Well, actually...!"

[ Haru: Did you make a homemade lunch? ]

[ !Y-yes! I even woke up at five this morning ]

Yes, that's step one of my secret plan.
Okay, sure, maybe it's not exactly a secret, since a homemade lunch is a classic move for dates.
But classics are classics for a reason -- because they work!

Ideally, I wanted to wait until later in the day, after we'd spent time together and really closed the gap between us, then casually reveal it on a terrace at the amusement park with a big Ta-da!

Sure, the timing's gotten a bit shifted, but I'm sure my effort, and all the thoughts I've put into this date, will get through to him...

[ Haru: A homemade lunch on a first date? That's a bit much, don't you think? ]

[ ?Huh ]

[ Yuki: I mean, that's, like, almost as intense as a hand-knitted sweater! ]

[ ?!W-wait, that intense ]

[ Haru: Yeah, if you guys were already a couple, it'd be totally fine. ]
[ Yuki: But Hikariiin, he's not even thinking of you that way, right? ]
[ Yuki: I'm only seeing this going in a seriously awkward direction. ]

[ ?...Ehhh ]

[ Ayami: Nah, it's actually cute, very you, Hikari. Kind of oblivious to reality in an adorable way. ]

[ ...Ehhhhh ]

All my effort, and all the weight...
I mean, thought I've put into this date...

Hikari: "......"
Yuu: "Uh... Hikari? You're kinda frozen there."
Hikari: "...Ta~kun."
Yuu: "Y-yeah?"
Hikari: "Let's... just go to a family restaurant..."

I'm Shirasaka Hikari, sixteen years old......

......and our date is already off to a rocky start... even before it begun.

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